Sound night at XM3: Tina MK Madsen, TMS, Notstandskomitee
On Saturday May 27th Jordens Stofskifte / The Metabolism of the Earth will host a sound night with solo performances by Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen and Malte Steiner (as Notstandskomitee) plus their collaborative project TMS.

Time-table – lyd-aften / sound night at XM3
18.00 Dørene åbner / Doors (Tina Mariane Krogh Madsens udstilling kan ses tændt – under koncerterne vil videoer og lyd-værkerne blive slukket / Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen’s exhibition can be viewed – during the concerts videos and sound-works will be switched off).
18.30 Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen
when gravel becomes coded
live coding, electro-acoustic / piezo-electric music
19.00-19.15 Pause / break
19.15-19.45 TMS (Madsen & Steiner)
modular, diy electronics, electro-acoustic music
19.45-20.00 Pause / break
20.00-20.30 Notstandskomitee (Malte Steiner)
idm, diy electronics, Pure Data
20.30-end Hang-out i galleriet samt release reception for Notstandskomitees nye album!
Hang-out in the gallery and release reception of Notstandskomitee’s new album!
During this event it will be possible to buy Notstandskomitee’s new CD-album as well as records (vinyl & CD) and artefacts from Block 4 label’s catalogue.
The event has no headliners but a continuous flow of sound performances / concerts where the first one connects directly to the exhibition through Madsen’s solo performance and then branches out to collaborative work with Malte Steiner and ends with his solo concert as Notstandskomitee, an industrial unit who reflects on the post-industrial states proposed by Madsen in the exhibition.…/
1. Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen, When Gravel Becomes Coded, part I and II.
The evening will begin with Madsen’s performance as a way to directly connect the exhibition with Madsen’s sound work anchored in ice, gravel, and mineralogy across bodies. When Gravel Becomes Coded is here a part of Madsen’s artistic research, as a sonic affective exploration of our usage of lithic matter in human infrastructures, here as gravel, and its impacts. At XM3, Madsen will fusion two modes of working with this concept – in a mode of electro-acoustics and as piezo-electric music and via live coding which combined unfolds ideas of ice with gravel and its participation as active agents in the metabolism of the earth and its processes.
2. TMS (Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen & Malte Steiner)
TMS began their collaboration in 2015 and the format of the TMS project is improvisational performances built out of Steiner and Madsen’s sonic interactions, where noise-scapes and complex structures emerges from intense layering of various sonic in- and outputs. The choice of elements for each performance is important, where each plays an important role in the sound as well as in the visual character of the performance. The inputs are analogue as well as digital; modulated, transformed and distorted.
The piece which TMS will play in the framework of this sound night continues Madsen’s use of piezo-electrics with modular systems, and it premiers Steiner’s self-built system.…
3. Notstandskomitee (Malte Steiner)
Notstandskomitee began as Malte Steiners industrial side project to his work with Das Kombinat in 1991, developing an own style of postindustrial electronic minimal music working with all kinds of electronics, from analogue via digital to softwarebased systems.…/Notstandskomitee/index.php
The exhibition and event is supported by Aalborg Kommune